Today we look at Rhonda's life since she has become a legal eagle (go girl!), you want to hear more from her, let me know at

1. What is the first thing you did when you finished school?
The first thing I did when I finished law school was move to Atlanta! Literally the morning after graduation the movers came, I packed up my car and hit the road.
2. Your first job after getting the next degree, how is it working out?
My transition to corporate America has been a trying one. Work for a young associate in a large law firm is very time consuming and full of politics. However, I have enjoyed the many people I've met and opportunities I've had. No matter what lies in my future, this has been a great place to begin my legal career.
3. What do you think are some of the advantages to having your degree?
I'm much more marketable with my law degree. I can do anything and go anywhere. Its practical enough to help get my friends out of speeding tickets but is prestigious enough to get me staffed on billion dollar litigation.
4. If you could change one thing about your grad school experience what would it be?
I would have studied abroad if I could do it all over again. Spending a semester in Spain would have been great.
5. Any advice for those looking to go to Law School?
Approach law school as a full time job. Your first year is the most important. As an interviewer and recruiter now I understand the importance of looking good on paper--that's what gets you in the door. Personality comes second. Study, study, read, write, discuss and study. Plan to spend at least 12 hours per day "doing law school" during your first year.
6. Thoughts? Comments? Suggestion? Speak to the people!
Going back to school is a great move. In these competitive times it takes another degree to put you out ahead of the masses. Enjoy the process because once you are a part of the real world again, there's probably no going back to life as a student!