So as you know I was on vacation with my family in Mexico last week. I just got back yesterday and I have to say it was the best vacation I have ever had. It was the perfect way to end the summer and get my mind right for school, which starts this week. Check out some of the highlights in the slideshow below:
When I got back I realized that we are given breaks and vacations for a reason. I recommend to everyone before you go back to school, while you are there, or if you are a professional, USE THE VACTION TIME YOU ARE GIVEN!!! That doesn’t mean you have to travel the world or spend all hard earned money; if you’re in school I know you are strapped for cash so I’m definitely not proposing you escalate your debt.
What I am saying is when you have fall break, Christmas break, vacation days, etc. use them and take the time to really relax. Turn off the phone, computer, blackberry, electronic device of your choice, and just RELAX. The more days you do it the better. Go to the spa, walk in the park, sleep, or plan a trip to Italy, whatever floats your boat, but make sure you take the time for yourself and enjoy some personal time :).