One thing I have learned since I started school is that sleep will be scarce. I know how I am, and I need sleep to function, I need a lot of sleep or I get very cranky. That being said, with a full time job, there is only so much time in the day, and when you have to read over 500 pages worth of marketing info you have to pull the time from somewhere.
I also recognize that lack of sleep leads to colds, and I HATE being sick even more than I hate losing a few hours of sleep. So I've been thinking of the most efficient way to solve this problem. To keep me up and alert I’m debating between Red Bull and Coffee. They both have their advantages and disadvantages. I know neither is healthy so let me put that out there now, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. I’m not saying this will be an everyday thing, but I need to have a plan, I’m thinking maybe rotating between the two every now and again will help. I also plan to couple this with some vitamins. I went to the store and bought some the other day. With the change of seasons and my sleep pattern I need some extra minerals.
I guess this is the life of a working grad student… what have I gotten myself into???