Today is a day of rally and support for the Jena 6. These boys were basically involved in a school fight and were looking at attempted murder charges that could have carried up to 80 years in jail if convicted and sentenced with the maximum penalty.
These boys were in school, where they should be learning and preparing for the best future possible. Now they are sitting in a jail in Louisiana, school being the furthest though from their minds I’m sure.
I am excited that people are rallying around this issue and looking at the injustice that was done in this case. The rights that our parents ad grandparents fought for must be maintained and in this new age we must learn that we can’t just rest on our laurels but make sure we are actively apart of our society. Becoming educated a definitely a away to do it but as Rev. Sharpton said this morning, “Education is not enough, you must also have action”. I’m not saying put down the books and don’t study today, but I am saying find a way to support this cause. Use your education and the knowledge you are gaining to teach others, what is culturally acceptable.
One last plug, tonight watch CNN at 8pm, looks like it will be a good special on this case and the events that have transpired since this all began a year ago. Working in TV, I know if ratings are high, the will continue to do stories on a topic, so show your support